This face! Shot for Martha Stewart Kids 2004 by Italian photographer Tosca Radigonda.
Joseph Ford is a Brighton-based photographer. He created these hilarious camouflage portraits of people wearing knitwear that blend in with their background. The amazing matching knitwear are actually hand-knitted by Nina Dodd.
I love this. It is one of the posters from DDB New York’s campaign for ADC’s Annual Awards “Call for Entries” from 2011. The tagline says: “Keep fighting the good fight”. I think all designers can relate to that!
The Uncomfortable is a collection of deliberately inconvenient everyday objects by Athens-based architect Katerina Kamprani. When you observe them, they look funny at first, but after a while they seem so frustrating!
“This woman has been in more selfies than anyone else in the world, and she’s still smiling! Assembled from hundreds of images collected from Instagram, “Mona Lisa Selfie” is a clever reflection on what a personal picture of a hyper-famous work of art means in the digital era.”
A short video directed by Daniel McKee.
Haha! The perfect gift for your kids for Halloween! Get it here.
What if animals were round? Two new amusing animations from the creators of Rollin`Wild! Check out the earlier animations in my post here.
“You give me money, I’ll give you creative.
I’ll start when the check clears.
Time is money. More time is more money.
I’ll listen to you. You listen to me.
You tell me what you want, I’ll tell you what you need.
You want me to be on time, I want you to be on time.
What you use is yours, what you don’t is mine.
I can’t give you stuff I don’t own.
I’ll try not to be an ass, you should do the same.
If you want something that’s been done before, use that.
If you want your way, you have to pay.
If you don’t pay, I have final say.
Let’s create something great together.”
This is actually a work contract for a design firm in Chicago. So straightforward and simple!
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